In the heart of the American Revolution, a small squad of Minutemen are thrust into the crucible of war. From the first shots fired at Lexington and Concord, to the daring mission to secure and hide vital weapons from the British, and finally, engaging in relentless guerilla warfare to drive the Redcoats back to Boston, this adventure is a thrilling journey through one of history’s most pivotal moments. As the dawn of revolution breaks, will you rise to the challenge and etch your name into the annals of time? Join us in “The Dawn of Revolution” and become a part of the legend.

The Dawn of Revolution, 1775

From the first shots fired at Lexington and Concord, to the daring mission to secure and hide vital weapons from the British.
Step into the boots of the Minutemen, the brave militia men who stood their ground against the might of the British Empire and sparked the flame of the American Revolution. In “The Dawn of Revolution,” you will be thrust into the heart of the conflict, starting with the iconic battles of Lexington and Concord. This is not just a tale of war, but a test of courage, strategy, and the indomitable spirit of freedom. As the first shots ring out, you will be tasked with a daring mission to secure and hide vital weapons from the British, a task that could turn the tide of the war.
But the battle is just the beginning. As the British forces regroup, you will engage in relentless guerilla warfare, using the land you know so well to your advantage. You will need to be cunning, resourceful, and brave as you harass the British forces, disrupt their plans, and drive them back to Boston. Every decision you make, every battle you fight, could have far-reaching consequences for the war and the birth of a new nation.
“The Dawn of Revolution” is more than just an adventure; it’s a journey through one of the most pivotal moments in history. You will not only fight for your freedom but also shape the course of events that led to the birth of the United States of America. You will face challenges, make hard choices, and maybe even make the ultimate sacrifice. But in the end, you will have a chance to become a part of the legend, a hero of the Revolution.
So, are you ready to answer the call? Are you ready to stand your ground, to fight for your freedom, and to etch your name into the annals of time? Join us in “The Dawn of Revolution” and become a part of the legend. The fate of a nation rests in your hands.

Historical Background

In the early morning hours of April 19, 1775, the quiet peace of Lexington, Massachusetts was shattered by the sound of gunfire. This marked the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, a conflict that would not only shape the destiny of a nation, but also change the course of world history. The battles of Lexington and Concord, where the first shots were fired, were the culmination of growing tensions between the American colonies and the British government. The colonists, chafing under what they saw as unjust laws and taxes, had begun to stockpile weapons and form militias, ready to defend their rights and freedoms.
These militias, known as Minutemen for their ability to be ready at a moment’s notice, were ordinary men – farmers, blacksmiths, and merchants – who were willing to risk everything for the cause of liberty. They were vastly outnumbered and outgunned by the British forces, yet they stood their ground, using their intimate knowledge of the local terrain to their advantage. Their tactics, which included guerrilla warfare and hit-and-run attacks, were unconventional for the time, but proved effective in disrupting the British forces and keeping them on the defensive.
The British, for their part, were confident in their superior numbers and military discipline. They had been sent to Concord with orders to seize and destroy the colonists’ weapons cache. However, they were unprepared for the fierce resistance they encountered, and what was supposed to be a quick and decisive operation turned into a grueling retreat back to Boston, under constant harassment from the Minutemen.
This adventure takes place during these critical first days of the Revolutionary War. As members of a Minutemen squad, players will experience the tension, fear, and exhilaration of those who fought for their freedom. They will face the same challenges, make the same difficult decisions, and perhaps even change the course of history.
“The Dawn of Revolution” is not just a game, but a journey into the past. It offers players a chance to step into the shoes of the Minutemen, to experience the trials and triumphs of the Revolutionary War, and to gain a deeper understanding of the events that shaped the United States of America. It is a tribute to the spirit of freedom, the courage of ordinary men, and the birth of a nation.


CARD 1: Dawn at Lexington (Aim 12)

Setting: Lexington, Massachusetts, April 19, 1775, early morning.

The Minutemen have received word of the British march towards Lexington. Their mission is clear: rally their forces, prepare for the impending confrontation, and stand their ground. The first shots of the Revolutionary War are about to be fired, and the fate of their town hangs in the balance.

Obstacle 1: Rallying the Militia (Pie +2)

The Minutemen must rally their fellow townsmen to join their ranks. The task is daunting, as they must convince their neighbors to risk their lives in the face of the formidable British army. The spirit of adventure and the call of duty fuel their determination.
Players must make a charisma check (Aim 12, Pie +2) to successfully rally the townsfolk. On failure, the group must try again, their resolve tested by the reluctance of their fellow townsmen.

Obstacle 2: Preparing for Battle (Tricky -4)

With their forces rallied, the Minutemen must prepare for the impending confrontation. They must set up defensive positions, distribute weapons, and formulate a plan of action. The weight of their mission and the uncertainty of the outcome test their courage and resolve.
Players must make a strategy check (Aim 11, Tricky -4) to successfully prepare for the battle. On failure, the players may face additional challenges when the British forces arrive.

CARD 2: Race to Concord (Aim 14)

Setting: The open road between Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, April 19, 1775.

The sun is just beginning to rise, casting long shadows across the landscape. The Minutemen, fresh from their confrontation in Lexington, must now race against time to reach Concord and secure the weapons cache before the British arrive. Minutemen’s mission is clear: reach Concord, secure the weapons cache, and hide them from the British. The fate of the revolution may hinge on their success.

Obstacle 1: Navigating the Countryside (Pie +2)

The Minutemen must navigate the Massachusetts countryside, avoiding British patrols and reaching Concord as quickly as possible. The landscape is both familiar and treacherous, with dense forests, rolling hills, and hidden paths that can either aid or hinder their progress.
Players must make a navigation check (Aim 14, Pie +2) to successfully chart a course through the countryside. On failure, the group risks detection by British patrols and must try again.

Obstacle 2: Securing and Hiding the Weapons (Tricky -4)

Once in Concord, the Minutemen must secure the weapons cache and find a suitable hiding place. This task requires both physical effort and strategic planning, as they must move the weapons without being detected and choose a hiding place that the British are unlikely to discover.
Players must make a strategy check (Aim 13, Tricky -4) to successfully secure and hide the weapons. On failure, the players may face additional challenges, such as a surprise encounter with British forces.

CARD 3: Guerilla Warfare Begins (Aim 16)

Setting: The outskirts of Concord, Massachusetts, April 19, 1775.

The sun is high in the sky, casting harsh shadows across the landscape. The Minutemen, having secured the weapons cache, now turn their attention to the British forces advancing towards Concord. With the weapons safe, the Minutemen start to engage the British forces using hit-and-run tactics. They must disrupt the British lines, create confusion, and slow the enemy’s progress. Their actions here will set the tone for the rest of the Revolutionary War.

Obstacle 1: Disrupting the British Lines (Pie +2)

The Minutemen must launch a series of quick, unexpected attacks on the British forces, aiming to disrupt their formations and slow their advance. This requires careful planning, stealth, and a keen understanding of the terrain.
Players must make a strategy check (Aim 16, Pie +2) to successfully disrupt the British lines. On failure, the group risks detection and must face a direct confrontation with the British forces.

Obstacle 2: Evading Capture (Tricky -4)

After each attack, the Minutemen must quickly retreat and hide, evading capture by the British forces. They must use their knowledge of the local terrain to their advantage, disappearing into the forests and hills before the British can retaliate.
Players must make a stealth check (Aim 15, Tricky -4) to successfully evade capture. On failure, the players may be pursued by British forces and must find a way to escape.

CARD 4: The British Retreat (Aim 18)

Setting: The road back to Boston, Massachusetts, late afternoon, April 19, 1775.

The sun is beginning to set, casting a warm glow across the landscape. The Minutemen, having successfully disrupted the British forces in Concord, now focus on driving them back to Boston. The Minutemen must continue their guerilla warfare tactics, harassing the British forces as they retreat and ensuring they do not regroup and launch a counterattack. Their actions here will determine the outcome of the day’s events and set the stage for the rest of the Revolutionary War.

Obstacle 1: Harassing the British Forces (Pie +2)

The Minutemen must launch a series of hit-and-run attacks on the retreating British forces, aiming to cause as much damage as possible and prevent them from regrouping. This requires careful planning, stealth, and a keen understanding of the terrain.
Players must make a strategy check (Aim 18, Pie +2) to successfully harass the British forces. On failure, the group risks detection and must face a direct confrontation with the British forces.

Obstacle 2: Ensuring the British Retreat (Tricky -4)

The Minutemen must ensure that the British forces continue their retreat and do not attempt to regroup and launch a counterattack. This requires vigilance, determination, and a willingness to risk everything for the cause of freedom.
Players must make a determination check (Aim 17, Tricky -4) to successfully ensure the British retreat. On failure, the players may face a surprise counterattack and must find a way to repel it.

CARD 5: The Dawn of Revolution (Aim 15)

Setting: The outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts, dawn, April 20, 1775.

The first light of dawn is just beginning to break, casting a soft glow across the landscape. The Minutemen, having successfully driven the British forces back to Boston, now prepare for the long war ahead. The Minutemen must regroup, tend to their wounded, and begin planning for the next phase of the war. Their actions in the past day have sparked a revolution, and they must now prepare to see it through to the end. However, the British forces launch a surprise counterattack, and the Minutemen must repel them to ensure their survival.

Obstacle 1: Regrouping and Planning (Pie +2)

The Minutemen must regroup after the day’s events, tend to their wounded, and begin planning for the next phase of the war. This requires leadership, organization, and a clear vision for the future.
Players must make a leadership check (Aim 15, Pie +2) to successfully regroup and plan for the future. On failure, the group risks disorganization and must try again.

Obstacle 2: Repelling the British Counterattack (Tricky -4)

The British forces launch a surprise counterattack, and the Minutemen must repel them to ensure their survival. This requires determination, courage, and a willingness to fight for the cause of freedom.
Players must make a courage check (Aim 14, Tricky -4) to successfully repel the British counterattack. On failure, the players may face a dire situation and must find a way to overcome it.

PC: Elijah Warren

Born and raised in the small town of Lexington, Massachusetts, Elijah Warren is a man of principle and courage. Known to his friends as “Steady Warren,” he is a farmer by trade, but when the call to arms came, he did not hesitate to join the Minutemen. A natural leader, Elijah is known for his calm demeanor, strategic mind, and unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom. As the British forces advance, Elijah is ready to defend his home and his rights, no matter the cost.


Long Rifle: +3 to hit, 1d6 damage, TARGET 12 Homemade Armor: Grants +1 to CON checks when defending against attacks Pouch of Ammunition: Essential for keeping his rifle loaded and ready Map of Local Terrain: Detailed map of the area, used to navigate and plan attacks
ICRPG Stats: STR: +2 DEX: +3 CON: +2 INT: +1 WIS: +2 CHA: +1


Steady Shot: Elijah gains a +1 bonus to DEX checks when making ranged attacks. Tactical Mind: Elijah gains advantage on all INT rolls when planning an attack or strategizing. Unyielding Spirit: When in a tight spot, Elijah gains a +1 bonus to all CON checks for one round.

NPC: Lieutenant Charles Dunlap

A career soldier from London, Lieutenant Charles Dunlap is a disciplined and dedicated officer in the British Army. Known for his stern demeanor and tactical acumen, Dunlap is a formidable adversary for the Minutemen. He is deeply loyal to the Crown and is determined to quell the rebellion in the colonies. As the conflict escalates, Dunlap will stop at nothing to ensure the British Empire’s control over the American colonies.


British Long Land Pattern Musket: +3 to hit, 1d6 damage, TARGET 12 Redcoat Uniform: Grants +1 to CON checks when defending against attacks Officer’s Sword: +2 to hit, 1d4 damage, TARGET 11 Map of Massachusetts: Detailed map of the area, used to navigate and plan attacks
ICRPG Stats: STR: +2 DEX: +1 CON: +3 INT: +2 WIS: +1 CHA: +2


Disciplined Soldier: Dunlap gains a +1 bonus to CON checks when defending against attacks. Tactical Mind: Dunlap gains advantage on all INT rolls when planning an attack or strategizing. Loyal to the Crown: When fighting for the British Empire, Dunlap gains a +1 bonus to all STR checks for one round.


Unique Rule 1: Guerilla Tactics

The Minutemen were known for their unconventional warfare tactics. In this adventure, players can use the terrain to their advantage, setting up ambushes and using hit-and-run tactics. Effect on Gameplay: Once per encounter, a player can declare they are using guerilla tactics. They make a WIS check with a target of 12. On a success, they gain advantage on their next attack roll, representing the element of surprise. On a failure, the enemy is alerted to their presence and they lose their next action.

Unique Rule 2: Scrounge for Supplies

Supplies were often scarce during the Revolutionary War. Players will need to scrounge for ammunition, food, and other supplies. Effect on Gameplay: At the end of each encounter, players can make a WIS check with a target of 12 to find supplies. On a success, they find enough supplies to replenish their ammunition and heal 1d6 hit points. On a failure, their supplies remain unchanged.

Unique Rule 3: Revolutionary Spirit

The Minutemen were driven by a strong belief in their cause. This revolutionary spirit can inspire players to perform heroic deeds. Effect on Gameplay: Once per game session, a player can invoke their revolutionary spirit to gain advantage on any one roll. This represents their determination and commitment to the cause of freedom.

Unique Rule 4: Redcoat Discipline

The British soldiers were known for their strict discipline and formation fighting. This can make them formidable opponents. Effect on Gameplay: British soldiers gain a +1 bonus to their CON checks when defending against attacks, representing their discipline and training. However, their rigid tactics also make them predictable. Players gain a +1 bonus to INT checks when trying to anticipate the British soldiers’ actions.